For additional information, please review the following links for various articles presented by QMI:
- High Speed Large Area Scanning Using Air-Coupled Ultrasound (WCNDT Rome 2000)
- Air-Coupled Ultrasound - A Millennial Review (WCNDT Rome 2000)
- Ultrasonic Air-Coupled Inspection of Advanced Materials (SAMPE 1999)
- Frequency Considerations in Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Inspection (INSIGHT November 1999, pp 696 - 699.)
- In-Process Inspection of Pultruded Tubular Products Using Air-Coupled Ultrasound (BINDT 1998)
- Wave Modes Produced by Air-Coupled Ultrasound ( May 1997)
- Airscan Transducers, Techniques and Applications ( Sept. 1996)